I said I'd fast if the Packers won the Super Bowl, and so that's what I did yesterday. I also wore black.
My calves were still sore from JJs on Friday. My lack of gall bladder and over-consumption of lemon buttercream frosting gave me liver pain. My back hurt from riding in a car too long, or maybe it was JJs or maybe being 41 and whiney.
Whatever. Yesterday was a day set aside for not doing things. I actively not ate and not worked out. Both rare.
Today was a great day of diet discipline and gratitude. I'm actually glad I didn't have to eat a Roethlisburger (a beef burger topped with Italian sausage, fried egg and cheese UGH) which would also make me acutely wish for a gall bladder.
I'm going to the high school on Monday to talk to four classrooms of science students about food choices and my evolution of eating recognizable whole foods.
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